

Help us to prepare New Zealand for the challenges of the future

This study is happening at a time of continuing change in technology and workforce requirements.
Help us to ensure New Zealand keeps up with:
  • Advances in technology
  • Future learning demands
  • Changes in the way we work and the everyday skills we need
What is the New Zealand Study of Adult Skills?
The study collects information about the range of skills we use in our everyday lives, as well as our learning experiences and work history. The results will be used to highlight areas that we need to build on as a nation, to ensure New Zealand continues to thrive.
Why should I take part?
By taking part you will help build a picture of the nation’s skills and experiences. In total, around 8,000 people will take part, and the more that do, the more accurate the picture will be. The results from the study will be compared with other countries to ensure New Zealanders have the skills to keep our country competitive in the future global market. They will also compare how well our education and training systems work, to identify areas where improvements can be made.
When will the interview take place?
The interview can be arranged at a date, time and location that is convenient to you. You can request an appointment time here.
What questions will be asked?
We will be asking about:
  • Skill use and problem solving in everyday life
  • School and post school education and training
  • Learning experiences
  • Work history
How will the questions be asked?
An interviewer, wearing photo ID, will visit your home and use a laptop to ask the questions. You will also be invited to look at, and answer questions about, everyday materials, such as a bus timetable, instruction manual or website.
The interview can be arranged at a date and time that is convenient to you.
Who is carrying out the study?
The study is being carried out on behalf of the Ministry of Education by Reach Aotearoa, an independent, New Zealand-based research company with 25 years’ research experience.
Who will be asked to take part?
Up to two people from your household aged 16 to 75 years will be randomly selected to take part.
How is my privacy protected?
Participation is voluntary, private and confidential. The information you provide is protected under the Privacy Act 2020. This means:
  • The interviewer cannot discuss your information with anyone else.
  • Your individual responses will never be identified.
  • Only approved researchers can use the data, once any information that might identify you has been removed.
  • Your name and any identifying details will never be included in any published materials.
Where can I find the study results?
How can I access further help?
If you would like to access support, to help with reading, writing or number skills
please contact Literacy Aotearoa on 0800 678 910 or visit

If you would like help with learning English, or would like to volunteer to help others learn English,
please contact English Language Partners on 0800 367 376 or visit
MOE Reach-606-519